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Hire Top-Rated
Virtual Legal Staff

Boost Your Firm's Case Volume 10x by Outsourcing Your Back Ofice! Our legal experts handle 12-15 demand letters per month on average.

Pricing starts at



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It only takes 30 minutes.
What do you have to lose?

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Nilson Ramirez

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The average salary for paralegals
in California in 2024 exceeds

$72,000 PER YEAR

With Vocatum, you can access top professionals for less than half that cost!

Increase Your Firm's Profits by


Handling Your Day-to-Day Tasks

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Ensuring Excellence

Managing Our Virtual Legal Staff

Our team offers a full-time, In-house customer support center to address any questions or concerns your law firm might have, and are in constant contract with your virtual staff in order to ensure your staff is properly managed.

Time Report

Time Report

Our team monitors agent productivity to ensure tasks are completed efficiently


Our tool captures screenshots of your virtual legal staff device every 10 minutes.

Call Report

Call Report

We track and monitor every call, providing detailed records and call recordings so you can ensure agents are handling tasks efficiently

Cases We Handle

Personal Injury

Car/Truck/Motorcycle Accidents

Slips & Falls

Mass Torts

Medical Malpractice

And more ... just ask us

Book a Call With Us

It only takes 30 minutes. What do you have to lose?